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designed to meet your body & soul needs throughout the week.
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With more than 15 years as a creative director and designer in luxury and advertising, the founder, Manuel, knows that rituals are essentials to give space to creativity, and more globally essentials to have a perfectly balanced life. After years in Paris, it’s in London that Manuel discovered a new way of living, the perfect mix of creative discipline and healthy way of life, thanks to inspiring daily rituals. It’s now settled in the south-west of France and leading a creative studio that Manuel thinks of creating the perfect daily scent ritual. Addressed to artists and creative minds, with a high end premium quality, this ritual will be as much a physical art piece than a carefully sourced and natural scent product. The perfect balance of substance and form.
Ignite, feel, move, create. Unveil the art and beauty that resides within you.
A time to reconnect with nature, A moment to reawaken your senses.
As top athletes, artists and creatives have their own rituals. They become inseparable from their creative output, connecting their minds to the unconscious, opening their spirit to others or nature, through art and beauty. Those rituals are unique and can have many forms, listening to music, lighting a candle, wearing a comfy sweat, reading poems.. It becomes “ritual” as long as it becomes your ritual.